You Are The Wizard Jimmy "Hogwarts Legacy" Launch Trailer

By goukijones — February 1, 2023
Tags: blog preview

Dragon pit fighting seems like a good idea.

Been looking to zap somebody with your magic wand? Well let me tell you something, in Hogwarts Legacy you are a fifth year student and you are strapped up with a wooden pistol stick. I always thought the wands were like guns, but not guns, you know what I mean? Coming from somebody who’s only seen one or two of the Harry Potter movies, I’m not gonna have any idea what is going on or what any of these fancy words that I can barely pronounce mean. BUT, Hogwarts Legacy looks dope and for some reason I get the feels watching this trailer. I’m hype for this game because it might not be until May when I actually want to play a new release again.

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Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Feb 10, 2023

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