Community Angry Birds Star Wars is here.

By dragonkiss83 — November 9, 2012
Tags: android angry-birds itunes review star-wars

Everyone with a smart phone, tablet, of kinect has played Angry Birds at least once, now you can do it as your favorite Star Wars characters.

The app actually came out yesterday, but I forgot.  So this morning when I saw it I rushed to download it before I started my day.  Normally I play with the sound off but I had to hear the sound affects.  And they are good enough I will leave them on as I play later.

You get a few short little Star Wars vidoes then you are off on your first adventure to Tatooine, as Luke.

Then comes a real Jedi Obi Wan using a little force push.

Play a little and you get your first bonus mission, as R2D2 using his little shock and C3PO blowing apart.

And the last level I played before shutting it off has you facing Stormtrooper pigs, one even fires a blaster.

There is a lot more to do and my inner geek is screaming to play more, but unfortunately I have stuff to do.

There is an ad free version that only costs .99 on Amazon or a free version.  I played 6 levels and a bonus mission and have only seen 2 ads so far.  So what are you waiting for?

Angry Birds

Angry Birds Gouki Box Art

1 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Dec 10, 2009

Buy it! 71% - Rent it! 21% - Flush it! 7%

Verdict: Buy It


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