Double Fine off to Sesame Street

By Cinderkin — February 15, 2011
Tags: double-fine kinect news screen-shots sesame-street

Double Fine Studios is created a Kinect project called "Sesame Street: Once Upon A Monster" Cooooooooooooooookie!

Announced today by Warner Brothers Interactive "Sesame Street: Once Upon A Monster" has you joining Elmo and Cookie Monster in an adventure exploring a living storybook title "Once Upon A Monster". A game where you can jump, dance, solve puzzles, and learn key life skills. Before you ask yes this is aimed for the kids.

Tim Schafer, President and CEO of Double Fine Productions had this to say:

“It’s great to be working with Warner Bros., especially on a game like Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster, which brings together so many things we all care about, Sesame Street had a profound effect on me, and many members of the Double Fine team, when we were children. So did video games. Now many of us are parents and we want to share with our kids the great experiences we had, but also the completely new ones made possible by cutting-edge technology like Kinect for Xbox 360. So it’s a labor of love on many levels”.

So what do you guys think? Have any kids, nieces, nephews, cousins that would play this? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!


Source: X360A


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