FFXIV Warrior Gets Buffed in 2.1 CANNOT DIE Thanks to Holmgang

By goukijones — November 20, 2013
Tags: a-realm-reborn news patch

Today Yoshi P posted some serious notes on what to expect from the 2.1 patch for all of you Warrior players out there.

I play level 50 Relic +1 Warrior. Currently in Coil. Haven't beaten anything in there yet, but I've been in twice so give me a break. Looks like in a couple of weeks it's just going to be even easier for me to play Coil. Especially when I'll have a move that won't allow my HP to drop below 1. lol PWN!

From Yoshi P:

Marauder Changes

Warrior Changes

Durability is their main goal here. I've heard stories of Warrior tanks kliing Twintania, but I have seen any video. I'm totally confident that it could be done now, IF you have all the proper & most supped up gear in the game. At this point in the release tho, you would have been collecting Mythos like the third week after release. 

I'm hype about this regardless. Everybody gonna be asking for Warrior's now. Although most of them won't exactly know why, but there's just a bunch of Jimmys in this game, I don't expect them to read & understand. Plus, if it's not your main class or a class you have at least to 50, you will never fully understand how to play it. 

Don't be a Jimmy!

You can watch my live Gathering show every Thursday around 1PM Pacific. 

Find me on Malboro rolling with [FC] TAW. My nam is my name ... Avitas Sibannac.

My weekly Coil raids are Weds/Sat & every other Tuesday. Hit me up for a slot.

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