FFXIV ARR Titan: Lord Of Crags Battle Guide

By Zero2990 — September 9, 2013
Tags: blog boss-fight final-fantasy-xiv gouki-linkshell guide titan walkthrough

My 2nd FFXIV boss guide, Titan: Lord of crags Lv34

So we've all been having fun in the last couple of weeks and apart from the odd tough dungeon nothing really poised as a real threat.. Until now!

This has easily been my favourite fight so far as its enabled me to play a real support role and oversee the battle.
I struggled with Titan for a good few hours until I found a decent party through Duty Finder. Most players will be under equipped for the battle so make sure you have all up to date gear for Lv32-34

Like my Ifrit guide I can't really comment on tanking strategies as I'm playing through as a DPS job but as always 'back to the party' I'll breakdown his moves and show you how to avoid them.

My party at time of defeat was PLD, WHM, BLM and my BRD
Although BLM felt kind of wasted during this battle with him constantly having to interrupt spell casting meteor limit break proved valuable during his 2nd phase, but more on that later.

I would suggest a Paladin as a tank for this fight as Titan hits really hard, Warriors may struggle with this one even with the higher hp pool, Goukijones will be able to comment on that.

After the cutscene pop your food and protect buffs, i was using HQ foods for this fight for added VIT buffs and adding crucial points into my hp bar.
Titan will not spawn adds but has a whole bag of party killing moves.

Phase 1: 100-50% hp
Everything is straight forward here, it's important for your healer to keep the party at around 85-100% hp at all times

Rock Buster.
Titans basic front cone attack, tanks should know to keep the enemies back to the party by now. Damages for around 20-30%

Massive AoE attack that hits all party members inside the arena. With all buffs and some attribute points in VIT this was damaging my Bard for around 550hp so it's important for the healer to keep everyone's health high. Seemed to cast every 20 seconds or so.


This is where our BLM lost all DPS momentum.

A full line attack which will highlight a blue/white colour and not the usual Red. If you see this coming towards your face run as far as you can out of the highlighted area to avoid instant K'O, even if the healer is casting that valuable cure get the hell outta there! I would suggest being well away from the line of sight as we all got hit even outside the target area.


Similar to a Dragoon's jump ability, Titan will take to the skies for around 10 seconds and a circle will highlight around the arena. Get as close as you can to the edge without being inside the red or it's game over and you will be pushed outside for instant K'O. Stay as close as you can to your healer as this will deal critical damage when he lands, the closer you are to the middle the more damage you take.

Phase 1.5
At 50% you move onto the next part of the fight. Titan starts to speed up with his attacks and adds more skills to his arsenal.

Titan's Heart

Like Ifrit's Infernal Nail you will have a time limit to destroy Titans heart, he will use all moves from phase 1 although he will cast Tumult twice as much.  When Titans hp hits  30% we had our BLM cast meteor to speed things up.

Granite Gaol

Will cast a stone wall around a single party member, the targeted party member will be unable to cast during this time, all other party members will need to focus and free the imprisoned teammate, if the healer is prisoned it's critical you get them out asap.

Phase 2 50-0% hp
Titan will now go berserk and adds one more ability to his skill set as well as all previous abilities.

Weight of the land.
Pops 2 AoE circles that hits for minimal damage, no damage is good damage.

As long as DPS can keep their rotations going and the Healer is keeping everyone alive you should have a lot of fun with this challenging battle.
Apart from some bragging rights unfortunately the only thing you won't receive is a T shirt for winning.

Garuda and Titan hard mode coming soon. Video will also be added shortly.

Thanks for reading

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