L.A. Noire Will Be on 3 Discs on Xbox 360 - Talk About Massive!

By Cinderkin — May 6, 2011
Tags: la-noire news xbox-360

Those getting the highly anticipated L.A. Noire on the Xbox 360 will have to contend with 3 discs, instead of one. Meanwhile PS3 owners will get the game on 1 barely fitting 25gb blu-ray disc. This means L.A Noire will be a massive experience. Check it out

“L.A. Noire was always going to be a massive game, from the size and detail of the world to the length of the cases, and of course, the sheer amount of MotionScan data required for the faces of over 400 actors in-game,” said Rockstar’s Jeronimo Barrera “To tell the story and make the game we wanted to make, we knew that it was going to take an entire single layer Blu-ray disc and three Xbox discs.”

For those Jimmys concered about disc swapping happening at bad moments during the story, don’t worry – Barrera also stated that “Since the game is built around the concept of progressing through individual cases from desk to desk, players on Xbox will find disc-swapping is hassle-free. In fact, players will only need to swap discs twice at natural breaks between cases without interrupting the flow of the game.”

What are your thoughts on Disc Swapping? Does it bother you? Will you get it on the PS3 now? I don't really care one way or the other. Disc Swapping has been around since FF7 and plenty more RPG's on the PS1. Disc Swapping isn't an issue to me, I'm just glad that the scale of the game pushed the limits of the DVD, and now I can enjoy a massive experience.

Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!


L.A. Noire

LA Noire Gouki Box Art

13 Stories

Release Date: May 17, 2011

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 36% - Flush it! 14%

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