Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Release Date: Nov 1, 2011

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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the third game in the Uncharted series, created by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation 3, and due for release in 2011. It is the sequel to the most critically acclaimed game of 2009, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
Uncharted 3 will see protagonist Nathan Drake and mentor Victor Sullivan travelling both worldwide and to desert locales, such as the Rub'al Khali desert, in search of the legendary lost city, the Iram of the Pillars. The plot will draw from the archaeology days of T. E. Lawrence.


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A search for the fabled "Atlantis of the Sands" propels fortune hunter Nathan Drake on a daring trek into the heart of the Arabian Desert, a journey that pits him and his mentor Victor Sullivan against the occult treachery of a shadowy clandestine organization and its ruthless leader. When the terrible secrets of this lost city are unearthed, Drake's quest descends into a desperate bid for survival that strains the limits of his endurance and forces him to confront his deepest fears.

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