Community Sweet video preview for upcoming game Shadows of the Damned

By iorilamia — May 13, 2011
Tags: destructoid grasshopper-manufacture preview shadows-of-the-damned suda-51 third-person-shooter video

Destructoid has taken the pleasure in creating a great video preview for Grasshopper Manufacture's upcoming game.

For the longest time all we have gotten form this game are screenshots, a few details and the videos were always short and didn't clearly show the feel of the game. Luckily over at , they got to play through the first couple of levels, and created a nice video preview for all of us curious cats. Seeing this has definitely got me more interested in the game. Check out the vid below and tell us what you think. Is this something you would buy or maybe try out?

Uploaded by (They haven't uploaded part 2 yet, I will update the story when they do)

Shadows of the Damned

Shadows of the Damned

6 Stories

Release Date: Jun 21, 2011

Buy it! 25% - Rent it! 50% - Flush it! 25%

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