Alien: Isolation - Announcement Trailer

By BatRastered — January 8, 2014
Tags: announcement sega the-creative-assembly trailer video

Alien: Isolation is to be released on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in late 2014

So.... Another year another Alien game? This one will receive some extra scrutiny from the press and public at large due to the debacle that was Colonial Marines. Note the giant: this footage is "in development" disclaimer at the beginning of the trailer. I think it's probably too soon to release another game in this franchise, but we'll have to see. Oh, did you notice it's for the last gen consoles too? Yeah, that's not helping my perception of it.

Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation

Alien Isolation Gouki Box Art

1 Stories

Release Date: Oct 7, 2014

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