Community Arcana Heart 3 on April 19th

By DragonKiss83 — April 4, 2011
Tags: aksys-games arcana-heart-3 arc-system-works fighting preview ps3 xbox-360

23 characters, 23 arcana styles, lots of possible combinations

I missed out on the first two games, but now that I have this one in my sights I have to try it.  With 23 playable characters and 23 ways to play each one you have hundreds of choices.  

Can anyone fill me in on the story for the first 2?  This one is supposed to have story for each character, an ending, and some art.

Here are the character introductions

And some combos

It's only a few weeks away now, and I'm being told it's downloadable and about 30.00, I'ld rather have a physical copy, but we'll see.

Source for date

Don't be a Jimmy! You want to play this?  Know anything about the series?  Let's hear what you got.



PaladinJin got me into ArcanaHeart couple of years ago, love it. I also rather have a psysical copy aswell, but theres a big chance im getting this regardless/

Apr 4, 2011 by iorilamia


dammit i loved the first one and now i cant play this one cuz i dont have a PS3 DAMN YOU SONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 4, 2011 by blazemanx


@blaze they are said it'll be on 360 also.

Apr 4, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Silicon Era says for Xbox360 but Aksys themselves hasn't haven't even confirmed it.

Apr 4, 2011 by Phresh

DragonKiss83 source. On the official aksys site it doesn't say 360, but on the Japanese site for Ark System Works it does.

Apr 4, 2011 by DragonKiss83


nice find Dragonkiss i just hope thats not japan only cuz if this comes out over here its gonna be fuckin SWEET ^_^

Apr 4, 2011 by blazemanx


Glad that got cleared up, I've been waiting for the 360 announcement forever.

Apr 4, 2011 by Phresh



Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012


Hey iori, did you get it? Was it any good?

May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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