Batman: Arkham Origins Official Trailer

By BatRastered — May 20, 2013
Tags: batman video warner-bros-interactive wb

A new adventure in the Arkham series comes October 25 worldwide. This time a prequel shows us how some of the characters and locations came to be.

From the description: Batman: Arkham Origins features an expanded Gotham City and introduces an original prequel storyline occurring several years before the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. Taking place before the rise of Gotham City's most dangerous villains and assassins, the game showcases a young, raw, unrefined Batman as he faces a defining moment in his early career as a crime fighter that sets his path to becoming the Dark Knight. As the story unfolds, witness identities being formed and key relationships being forged.

Well, not much in the way of gameplay to talk about, but the story looks cool. This is a current gen game though (not expecting any next gen graphics or anything).

Pre-order to play as Deathstroke... does this mean Deathstroke will be on Batman's side for part of the story?

Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman Arkham Origins Gouki Box Art

5 Stories

Release Date: Oct 25, 2013

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