Community Bleach Soul Resurrection thank you Nippon Ichi

By DragonKiss83 — May 14, 2011
Tags: bleach bleach-soul-resurrection nippon-ichi-software ps3-exclusive video

I've been waiting to be able to play as some of my favorite characters and this time it's an action game instead of a basic fighter. Let the Hype begin!

It's coming to the US in August!

This takes place during the Arancar arc.  You will have 21 characters to play as and that is also giving you 2nd releases for the Arancar.  Even better this isn't just a fight game, it's an action game.  You can upgrade your characters using a sphere grid.  And even unlock new abilities.  I actually downloaded a Japanese demo for this over a month ago and it is a short chunk of a level, but it was a ton of fun.  I was even going to import it until I saw this.  The easiest thing to compare it to would be Dynasty Warriors.  You run around and kill hollows and eventually Arancars.  And in the demo you are Ichigo in Bankai, but in the full game you will be able to play as characters like Rukia, Toshiro, and Ulquiorra, plus a bunch more.  I am super hyped for this to finally be an English game on the PS3.

Are there any fans of the anime or manga here?  Any of you play on the Wii, DS, or PSP?  Who has imported any of the games?  Maybe just want to try the game without being a fan of the show?



SO FUCKING HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why cant DBZ make games like this?

May 15, 2011 by blazemanx


Because DBZ is TOO action-packed ;) JK, this does look pretty bad ass nice. but there are DBZ games similiar to this.

May 15, 2011 by iorilamia


I liked the DBZ games that were similar to this, but just because I was a fan of the characters. Even if you didn't have a clue who you were playing as this game is fun.

May 15, 2011 by DragonKiss83


bleach vs tekken vs dragonballz vs street fighter

May 17, 2011 by kof2012


I'ld be happy with a Bleach vs DragonBall Z, and you could throw in some Naruto. Talk about a sick crossover game.

May 18, 2011 by DragonKiss83


One more for the catalog.

May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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