Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Celebration Video

By BatRastered — October 13, 2013
Tags: goty video

As a thank you to our fans, 2K and Gearbox created this compilation trailer for your viewing pleasure.

It's been a year of shooting-and-looting out in the Borderlands, and there are still vault hunters dropping into Pandora every day! Now with the Game of the Year Edition, new players can grab the base game and tons of add-on content in one package.

A good deal if you don't already own the game, I guess. It doesn't include the latest DLC, so it's not even a "Complete" edition though.

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Gouki Box Art

83 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 18, 2012

Buy it! 70% - Rent it! 20% - Flush it! 10%

It doesn't even have everything. I'm so over this game. It is dying along with my Xbox live sub. Jimmyfied!

goukijones rated Borderlands 2 Buy it
Oct 13, 2013 by goukijones

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