Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel: An Introduction by Sir Hammerlock AND TORGUE!

By BatRastered — September 21, 2014
Tags: gearbox-software trailer video

Join Sir Hammerlock and TORGUE on an EXPLOSIVE tour of Pandora’s moon, Elpis, in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. MOON MONSTERS, deadly new foes, LASER WEAPONS, cryogenic elementals, LOW GRAVITY, erm, butt slams, AND MORE AWAIT YOU ON ELPIS!

The game is not intresting me right now since it's basically Borderlands 2 engine with different story/characters, amounting to a giant DLC and I didn't like the endgame of BL2 very much. I felt they went backwards from the first game a bit and now this game is made by a third party. Outscourcing! However, The humor of Borderlands has always been spot on and this trailer is no different. If you enjoyed Mr Torgue shouting at you in the DLC before, you'll enjoy this video at least.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Borderlands The Pre Sequel Gouki Box Art

4 Stories

Release Date: Oct 14, 2014

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