Community Burger King wants to give you a Kinect every 15 minutes

By akskiller — November 2, 2010
Tags: kinect xbox-360

Go gain calories, you might win a Kinect and lose those calories you just gained!

We all know Microsoft spent 50 million dollars on advertising Kinect. Microsoft has partnered with  Burger King to give away a Kinect prize pack.

 The prize pack contains a 4GB Xbox 360 consoles, the Kinect sensor, Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports. This promotion will run until November 1st through November 28th. So what do you have to do to win? Well you will have to  purchase a Whopper value meal. They will be giving one of these bundles away every 15 minutes.

The Whopper wrapper, fries, and drink will all have a code for a chance to win. Then once you have the code you text a number and you will be entered to win.

You can also win by going here and registering. To get the codes to enter just click the "Dont have any codes" link and they will send you 5 codes in the email you signed up with.

I only want the new xbox that comes with the prize pack. I will be playing this. My birthday is the 28th hopefully I win then, haha.


Kinect... ugh. Burger King... ugh. On the bright side, free is good. You could always sell the Kinect part on ebay.

Nov 2, 2010 by BatRastered


Selling it is the way to go.

Nov 3, 2010 by akskiller

de bad shot

text as in cell phone?

Nov 3, 2010 by de bad shot


Yes text as in using a cell phone. :P

Nov 3, 2010 by akskiller


Not bad at all, I would sell all this too. LOL. No use for it.

Nov 3, 2010 by pwny



Nov 4, 2010 by erikestrada


I would probably sell the Kinect part, if it weren't for a couple of games that has yet to come out yet that I'm looking forward to. I'd keep the 360, though.

Nov 4, 2010 by Arthvader


I saw some games for the Kinect and TBH Dance Central looks the most interesting and could be fun with a couple of friends.

Nov 4, 2010 by akskiller


saw that comercial, thought id win one and sell it

Dec 7, 2010 by iorilamia


sounds not great

Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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