Buy a Radeon 6850 and get Deus Ex: HR for Steam free!

By BatRastered — September 7, 2011
Tags: deals-jimmy deus-ex-human-revolution hardware pc steam

The 6850 is one of the best deals going already, throw in a free copy of one of this year's hottest PC titles and you've got deals Jimmy!

Need a new video card to play Star Wars: The Old Republic? Me too, yeah I know it doesn't have a release date yet, but the system requirements are out and the Radeon HD 6850 will run it nicely. It's also one of the best graphics cards value for the money. Now, if you buy this video card on Amazon before September 30th you will also get a code emailed to you for a free Steam copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Stolen!

A way better deal than Dirt 3 they used to include.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex Human Revolution Gouki Box Art

18 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 23, 2011

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 40% - Flush it! 10%

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