Capcom announces Ultra Street Fighter 4

By BatRastered — July 15, 2013
Tags: capcom sf4 video

The game will be available as a stand-alone $39 disc or as a $15 DLC to SSF4 or SSF4AE.

What was originally just going to be a balance patch (like the v2012 patch) is now a full-on game coming "early 2014".

5 new characters Elena, Rolento, Hugo, Poison, and a new, as yet unnamed character that allegedly "has never made an appearance in any SF game". I expect that character to be shown soon, perhaps even as soon as the San Diego Comic Con.

If you buy the disk version you get all the previously released costume packs for free. That wording sounds to me like you can expect a new costume pack to be announced as well.

Ultra Street Fighter IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

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