Community David Jaffe Talks Twisted metal

By DragonKiss83 — May 18, 2011
Tags: david-jaffe eat-sleep-play ps3 twisted-metal video

Here is some talk and some gameplay for those of you looking forward to Twisted Metal's reboot.

You can see teamplay on a semi and helicopter combat He talks about some game types including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Free-for-all.  

There is a great article here

But if you are a fan of the Twisted Metal series from years ago you already know how insane the game got alone or with a friend, but now you can get into 16 player combat online.  That just makes the game that much more interesting.  You will recognize character's like Sweet Tooth, Darkside, Axel, and Mr Grimm but this time around you can put the drivers into different vehicles.

If you are new to the series you have really missed out.  This is as over the top as you can imagine car combat.  You have shotguns and machine guns, but you will also have all kinds of missiles and other massive weapons to destroy the cometition with.  In previous games there were areas to each map that could be destroyed including all types of monuments, hopefully we'll be seeing more of that.

I can't wait for a chance to play this.  How about you?  Do you have a favorite character? Or weapon?  And what about the multiplayer, are you ready to work as a team?  Or would you rather go all out last man standing style?  Let's here it.  And as always, Don't be a jimmy.

Twisted Metal

Twisted Metal Box Art ps3

4 Stories

Release Date: Feb 14, 2012

Buy it! 20% - Rent it! 60% - Flush it! 20%

I will play this, for how long? Unknown.

BTW David Jaffe is the new Cliffy B.

goukijones has not rated Twisted Metal yet.
May 18, 2011 by goukijones


NOOOOOOOOOO, I don't need anymore Cliffy B's >_

But Twisted Metal looks great

iorilamia has not rated Twisted Metal yet.
May 18, 2011 by iorilamia


never understood the appeal of twisted metal

blazemanx has not rated Twisted Metal yet.
May 20, 2011 by blazemanx



kof2012 has not rated Twisted Metal yet.
May 25, 2011 by kof2012

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