Destiny: The Law Of The Jungle trailer

By BatRastered — May 23, 2013
Tags: activision bungie ps4 video xbox-one

A live action + CG game footage trailer showing us a little more of Bungie's new game world.

Description: "As a Guardian of the City sets out on an epic, action-packed adventure to reclaim our Solar System, he recalls the moment when he was first taught the most important lesson of all -- The Law of the Jungle."

Note at the end it says the gameplay will finally be shown during Sony's E3 presentation on June 10th.


Destiny Gouki Box Art

15 Stories

Release Date: Sep 9, 2014

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Day 1 for me even if it's on PS4.

goukijones has not rated Destiny yet.
May 23, 2013 by goukijones


Yeah... for the first time since 2006 I'm hyped for the Sony press conference (and not to see how bad they fuck it up).

BatRastered rated Destiny Rent it
May 23, 2013 by BatRastered


Supposedly, this is going to be released on PC as well and have cross-platform play. Either way, if you have Gus, the drug dealer from Breaking Bad selling your product, it's an insta-buy!

BatRastered: Also, I'm not sure when Sony has fucked up a PS press conference as of late. They didn't for last years E3, nor for the PS4 reveal as they've continued to show they're all about continuing to be the console for the hardcore gamer with an excellent 1st party lineup (see: Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls) and plenty of continued 3rd party support. Now I'm sure you'll say: "But they didn't show what the PS4 console looks like!" Well, since we've seen the "One," let's use this as a comparison because the official PS4 pictures will be out soon. Which design is better: PS3 Super Slim model vs. Xbox 360 original/slim model? Which one is smaller, lighter, sleeker, curvier, looks less like a giant white or black leather suit case, doesn't have a big ugly white or black button in the center (with a lighted neon circle when it's powered on) or a big ugly (red neon "ring of death" when it's broken)? I'm sure the answer is obvious even without my leading questioning. :P

As for Nintendo.. Their press conference at E3 '12, revealing the Wii U, was a major letdown. Especially after finding out that every 3rd party title game they showed wasn't even developed yet to run on their console (the NA President admitted they used footage from other consoles). Also, we got to find out about the poor hardware specs as time went on and that their version of nexgen (for this upcoming console war) is what they should have released back in '06 to take on the 360/PS3. For this years E3 they're not even going to make an effort to have a press conference (that already isn't making them look any better), but they promise to have booths for the press to have brand new titles to try! You'll get to play demos of new upcoming hit games such as: Super Smash Bros. 15, Mario Kart 24, Luigi's Mansion 12.4 and of course those will have release dates for sometime late this year (because waiting for new releases on the Wii U is no big deal since Nintendo fans have already waited this long what's another 4-6 months for a few new games?) You'll be lucky to see any 3rd party titles on display as most companies continue to jump ship on them. The games people really want (like another Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus even) wont be out till either next year, 2020, or TBA. They might even have another clip of the new Wii U Zelda or you could just play the demo of the Wind Waker remake in HD, while sitting there wondering why it's not the Zelda you really wanted to play and also what's taking them so long to release it! Oh wait, I take it back, you will see *A* famous 3rd party company there: Sega! You'll get to play some super awesome new Sonic game because Sega just signed a deal with Nintendo to be exclusive to Wii U. I'm sure Sonic will bring them good luck. He used to be the official mascot on that one system...the Dream whatever. That one that eventually led to the death of Sega's being in the console market, remember? He'll give Nintendo the marketing push it needs because you can't go wrong with Sega! If anything they'll have good titles to show off for 3DS. They still know how to run the handheld market. Which is most likely where they're going to end up exclusively if they don't figure out what they're going to do fix the mess they made with the Wii U. Them getting desperate enough to sign Sega and having no press conference is a bad omen for them. Sonic is cursed. ;)

Now to good 'ol Microsoft.. With a horrible reveal of the "One" console (and by console I mean an HTPC disguised as console which looks like a VCR and probably weighs as much as a bag of bricks) that turned a lot of people off and now most of their hype for E3 went *poof*. Forget about the fact for a second that this thing even plays games. The DRM and privacy issues with it is outrageous. They want you to always keep it hooked up to the Internet even when it's "powered off" and by that they mean "pretending to be in a sleep state while watching your every move." For them to accomplish this, you'll be required to ALWAYS have your Kinect plugged in to the "One," so that the mic and camera will be on at all times. Their reasoning behind this is because they want you to be able to "turn it on easily anytime by just using your voice," "enjoy the full functionality of the console" (because apparently you can't even do simple functions in the menu system without having to yell at your TV and wave your hands around like a retarded monkey all while they're filming this so they can post it to their private Youtube accounts and make fun of the idiots that would actually be willing to pay to have a console watch and record them 24/7) and "be able to download updates automatically in the background while you're not using it." Sure those explanations sound optimistically thoughtful, but in reality it makes them looks sus "hi, I'm big brother, don't mind me watching your every move and recording it" picious. Why would any consumer want to buy a product with such strict rules? If someone doesn't like using the Kinect to control their "One" then I see no reason why they can't use a remote or a controller to cycle though the menus. Instead they insist to force you to leave it hooked up for "functionality". I also don't see a problem with being able to completely power my machine down either (without it getting to the point where I have to pull the cord to get it to completely shut off) if I don't want it downloading background updates while in the suspended "off" mode. I guess they don't think all of these annoyances to customers is going to hurt their sales? Were they not paying attention while their Surface tablet was failing and Windows 8 was hurting PC sales because people didn't like either (especially the Windows 8 OS)? Also, they have confirmed that you do attach games to your account AND they must be completely installed to the HDD (these are blurays now, so who knows how long a full install will take). Even when you take a game, that you own, over to a friend's house. You will have to install it on that person's HDD and logon to your account, so that you'll be able to play it together. That sure sounds like single player always-on DRM to me. They've also stated that what you can do offline, per game, will "be up to the company who makes it." What makes that statement worse is they've signed with EA, the company who's famous for horrible, game breaking DRM. They're an excellent match for Microsoft's new marketing strategy. Which is EA's company policy: "DRM: Buy our games and deal with it bitches!" Even if you can look past the horrible issues I've already we can turn back the clock to last year at E3 '12 for their 360 conference. What was big for them besides Halo 4? That's all I can remember that was any good. The rest of the time they either focused on:

1.) How they were making the 360 into an entertainment center for the living room (sounds familiar... Didn't they just say that again at the "One" reveal?)
2.) Kinect games that sucked.
3.) Kids games nobody cared about.

What they were mostly focused on at last years E3 for the 360 (but obviously didn't have the proper hardware for) they can do now with the "One," so it seems they're going more for a jack of all trades, master of none + crazy DRM "console." They're basically selling HTPC's and trying to get everyone over to the PC market once this new console gen has ended. Both Sony and MS using the x86 architecture and the ability for cross-play with games on the PC (with Destiny as a trial run) for the start of what's to come. So what titles have they shown so far (they didn't seem too interested in selling it for games over them selling it off as a "media center PC")? A bunch of EA sports games (FIFA '14 being one of them, but nobody in the US really cares for futbol), Forza 5, a new IP that explained 0 about that game and no in game footage. All there was to see were quick CGI trailers that showed us nothing about what games will look like running on "One". Oh and also 45 mins of them doing things I can already do on my PC (like talk on Skype and watch live media at the same time). You know, because people who keep up with PC hardware couldn't do that like 5 years ago or anything. At least it was comical that he was acting how brilliant and new it is. I guess we'll see about these 15 titles at E3. I know Ryse is coming out and that's about the only thing I have an interest in. I'd rather have Destiny for PC.

And lastly, Sony.. They're really in it now with nothing to lose. They've shown off a ton of great games at their PS4 announcement event. They're already saying the hardware specs are slightly better (we'll know for sure when pricing is official). The information we're lacking now on PS4 is:
1.) What does it look like? (The blurry photo and the guy who tried to put it together still aren't official) From what I can see of it at least it's not a giant, long, VCR with little effort put into the design. It actually looks like they at least tried to make it look somewhat decent, so that's a good sign.
2.) Complete list of detailed specs. HDD size/speed? Exact chipsets? Type of RAM, what it's clocked at? CPU/GPU speeds? Lots still vague and left unanswered about both "One" and PS4 in terms of exact specs.
3.) DRM? Sony hasn't spoken of anything excessive. There were some rumors flying around about them "killing used games," but nothing happened. Especially no where near the level of what's going on with MS.
4.) PSN/PSN+? They still going to offer a free option for multiplayer or only pay now? Also, how will PSN+ change?

If anyone can think of anything bad to say about Sony go right ahead. I'd love to know if they have anything hidden up their sleeves for PS4 that people aren't going to be happy about (that's been either confirmed or new info from inside sources perhaps?) Maybe other input about how much I'm wrong about whatever console? Like how it's really Mario Kart 24 not 28. ;P

kuroukage has not rated Destiny yet.
May 24, 2013 by kuroukage


Holy. Fucking. Shit.


You know you can write a story on this site, right?

BatRastered rated Destiny Rent it
May 24, 2013 by BatRastered


Everything I just wrote is old info though. I'm just curious about people's input regarding the state of the console industry in respect to what I've laid out. Am I wrong, right? What am I wrong or right about? If so, why? Did you like/hate any points I made? Let's have good discussion!

kuroukage has not rated Destiny yet.
May 24, 2013 by kuroukage

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