E3 Ghost Recon Future Solider

By reipuerto — June 6, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 ghost-recon-future-soldier

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What do you Jimmies think? Do you think this game looks great? Do you think the Kinect feature will make or break the game? Share this with your friends!


I'm going to pass on this one. The last Ghost Recon I liked was Thunder Island or something like that.

Jun 6, 2011 by DragonKiss83


And you didn't mention the voice command stuff.

Jun 6, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Ditto pass

Jun 7, 2011 by iorilamia


ghost recon is a real fun game that's not like call of duty I mean in the aspect of it not being a fps not only that but the third person camera in ghost r gives you a different sense of combat in that kind of aspect but nonetheless ghost recon is a game that could very well sell this year and in later years the developers at ubisoft can expand their ghost recon projects I mean the whole concept of a modern soldiers is really captured well by the ghost recon games in every sense it's a tough one to beat

Jun 18, 2011 by Kof2012


The stories are pretty good too

Jun 18, 2011 by Kof2012

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