Finish-Him Interview of Injustice: Gods Among Us! New Details!

By cinderkin — March 19, 2013
Tags: injustice interview video recently sat down with Hector Sanchez of NetherRealm Studios to discuss the changes of Injustice Gods Among Us from Mortal Kombat 9. Check it out!

Part 2 gets blurry, but the audio is what's important.

There are some really interesting things being said here that I haven't heard before. These are some of the key things I heard:

This game is looking very good for Hardcore and Casuals alike. They mention online is better, but we will see when the game comes out. Online for Mortal Kombat 9 was and still is broken. So I hope they can keep their word and get online fixed. PS3 users won't be allowed to fight gamers from other regions just like Mortal Kombat 9. Xbox 360 users will not have region restrictions.

What are your thoughts on these new features? Is Injustice something that you are looking forward to? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a jimmy!


Injustice: Gods Among Us

Injustice Gods Among Us Gouki Box Art

18 Stories

Release Date: Apr 16, 2013

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