Hail to the king, baby. Duke is not dead.

By BatRastered — August 11, 2010
Tags: gearbox-software rumor

Gearbox is allegedly picking up development on the previously cancelled Duke Nukem Forever

Well fuck, I thought I was done hearing about Duke Nukem Forever, but apparently it lives on.

Rumor has it that Gearbox (developers of Borderlands and famous for porting the first Halo to the PC) has taken on the mantle of finishing the project (Take Two owns the rights).

I'm so not excited by this, I'd rather they focus on Borderlands 2. I have a feeling DNF is going to suck. (Funny that the initials for Duke Nukem Forever are the same as Did Not Finish.)

Kotaku alleges that there will be a playable demo at PAX this September.

I really fucking hope this is BS.

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever Gouki Box Art

27 Stories

Release Date: Jun 14, 2011

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