Community Hottest Racing game out gets...

By hoho23 — November 26, 2010
Tags: criterion ea iphone need-for-speed-hot-pursuit

The hottest, funnest racing game out gets a iphone app for the awesome and revolutionary autolog.

Criterion announced earlier they would release a iPhone app to keep track of freinds and your times. The app will also allow you to post replys and mark races you wanna do when you sign back online. I Personally think more games should include this from developers, especially games like Halo, COD and games that have you compete against each other and multiplayer games that have robust stat tracking. Regardless this is awesome news for anyone with a iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.


Even more addiction!

Nov 26, 2010 by Batrastered


Yea, Criterion knows what the people wants. Some good develping Jimmys!

Nov 26, 2010 by hoho23


Where's the BlackBerry app?

Nov 26, 2010 by goukijones


They said they might one for blackberry and android also.

Nov 27, 2010 by Hoho23


what about the $20 phones from walmart app? BS!

Nov 27, 2010 by Cinderkin


Better hope they don't make a blackberry app Jimmy, As many times of yours I break, you'll go over your data plan package with "New Autolog Alert" ThaBrad has just railed your times.

Nov 29, 2010 by ThaBrad


This ends now ThaBrad. All ya times is getting fucked up tonight. Better get on that Autolog now. Because King of Jimmys is on top of everybodies Speed Wall! Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuab!

Nov 29, 2010 by goukijones


Well you got plenty to choose from considering you only on top of 2 of my lists out of all the tracks, Everybody.. Don't be a Jimmy and Drive.

Nov 29, 2010 by ThaBrad


not my favorite racing game

Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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