Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet hands on demo at E3 2011

By BatRastered — June 30, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 preview summer-of-arcade video

FnJimmy gets a demo with ITSP and Michel Gagne in the Microsoft booth at E3 2011.

If you like Metroid-vania style gaming, but don't like the platform jumping aspect of it, I've got a game for you. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet takes the single world, upgrade yourself to reach new areas and back track to explore old areas in further detail concept and applies it to a spaceship flying around this world. With a Limbo-esque art style and an arcade price tag, this one is looking like a winner.

FnJimmy got some hands on time with the game and, right in front of designer Michel Gagne, proceeded to crash it. Unfortunately we weren't filming when that happened. :( Here's FnJimmy's offical take to soften the blow.

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet will be released exclusively for the XBOX Live Arcade on August 3, 2011 for 1200 MSP.


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