Community Killzone 3 videos from Developers

By iorilamia — February 19, 2011
Tags: behind-the-scenes killzone3 multiplayer ps3-exclusive trailer video

The Devs did a good job hyping people up before the games release, check these boss-ass videos.

At they have released some truly awesome videos for Killzone3 before release. Game is being released Tuesday and I'm not sure if they are uploading more. and have been nice enough to upload them to youtube. These videos show off some of the new levels, re-done old levels,trailers,behind the scenes and classes. Enjoy the HD rape-fest and leave a comment on what you think ; don't be a Jimmy.


MAWLR Graveyard level played with Medic Class 


Pyyrus Crater gameplay with Engineer Class


Marksman class fucking shit up in a storm


Tactition Class 


Kaznan Jungle multiplayer


Retro Map Pack comparion


Dev Diary- Controls are Everything (go to 1:45 for pure epic)


Behind the scenes with old dudes yelling


Justice Trailer


How to play The Engineer 


So who's getting K3 Tuesday? :D                                                


Killzone 3

Killzone 3 Gouki Box Art

20 Stories

Release Date: Feb 22, 2011

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