Community KOF XIII character combo tutorials

By blazemanx — June 30, 2011
Tags: atlus combo-videos kof13 ps3 snk-playmore video xbox-360

KOF XIII character specific combo videos.

I came across these awesome character specific combo videos for KOF XIII. KOF will never be as popular as street fighter and that is understandable but i really hope more people get into it. It is one of my favorite franchises and i think it would be great if KOF had a following similar to street fighter. I intend to get this when it drops this holiday season and i hope many people will pick it up so KOF can gain more exposure. Here are some awesome vids for fans and non fans to get you hype.

Terry Bogard

Iori Yagami

Kyo kusanagi


I know most of us love fighting games and we need to suppoprt KOF and SNK. So i'll try to bring as much attention to this up coming game as i can. Let us know what you think and don't be a jimmy.

visit for more vids.


Badass nice combos

Jun 30, 2011 by BatRastered


Better than I expected.

Jun 30, 2011 by dragonkiss83


I find it funny that it doesnt show iori's 100%

Jul 4, 2011 by iorilamia


You beat me I was going to post these vids too hahahahah lol nice story love king of fighters

Jul 4, 2011 by Kof2012


im so hype 4 this game

Jul 5, 2011 by blazemanx

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