Community KOF XIII Max Cancel Combo

By blazemanx — July 14, 2011
Tags: combo-videos kof13 preview snk-playmore video

A video showing off the max cancel system of KOF XIII

The max cancel system from what i can tell is similar to the MVC3 DHC. Although insted of canceling into a partners super you cancel into a more powerful super of your own. With all the SFXT and SSF4AE and MVC3 talk KOF XIII is deep under the radar. This video is a game changer and by that i mean it can sway those who are on the fence about buying it. Take a look for yourself and see why KOF XIII has the goods. Let us know what you think and don't be a jimmy.

The King of Fighters XIII

The King of Fighters XIII Gouki Box Art

11 Stories

Release Date: Nov 22, 2011

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 50% - Flush it! 0%

yes I feel that the kof cancel system is way more elaborate than any other fighting game out there and I know how you jimmys like your cancels cheating lol anyways that will definitely win you some battles I love canceling kyo kusanagi special there beast lol nuff said

kof2012 has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Jul 15, 2011 by kof2012

grey walrus

This system looks pretty neat.

grey walrus has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Jul 15, 2011 by grey walrus


Still not planning on buying it, but I'ld rent it if I got the chance.

dragonkiss83 rated The King of Fighters XIII Rent it
Jul 17, 2011 by dragonkiss83


Beni would have a 3 second combo that takes 80% of your

iorilamia has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Jul 19, 2011 by iorilamia


cant wait for this im so ready to PWN!!!!!

blazemanx has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Jul 27, 2011 by blazemanx

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