Community KOFDUNK (Slam Dunk Opening Parody)

By iorilamia — April 13, 2011
Tags: anime kof parody slam-dunk video

Take a anime intro scene from the 90's, then re-enact it with King of fighters characters. My heart has been won.

Here is the Slam Dunk intro. A anime from 1993 that is about basketball. Uploaded by


Now, here's a video uploaded by This person cleaverly mimicked the intro to Slam Dunk with King of Fighters sprites. They even went as far as trying to match up the KOF characters most similiar to the ones in the anime. Not even knowing what SlamDunk is, this was still a fun video to watch, enjoy.



So what do you think? It almost seems like Iori was MADE for dunking, haha. Tells us what you think in a comment :D


Somebody has way to much time on their hands.

Apr 13, 2011 by DragonKiss83


its cool jimmys comment on this

Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012

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