Madden 25 Official Gameplay Trailer for Xbox One & PS4 contains no gameplay

By BatRastered — October 20, 2013
Tags: video wildrant

EA continues to avoid showing what next-gen gameplay actually looks like.

I'm so tired of this shit. If you're going to put the word "gameplay" in the title of your video, please at least show 2 seconds of the actual game being played.

The description says:

"Watch the official Madden 25 gameplay trailer now to see what you can expect from the next gen of Madden 25 on Xbox One and PS4. "

Well, it seems what you can expect is a bunch of cut scenes and low camera angles while you are not playing the game. Can you show me the UI, or the HUD? Can you show me anything at all of what it looks like being played by humans? 

I was upset that they weren't showing next-gen at E3 or PAX, now the games are a month away and I still have no idea what they look like. Oh wait, yes I do, they will look exactly like the current gen version because EA has a monopoly on the NFL games and isn't really trying to get better. This is why I only buy Madden games about once in a decade.

I linked Madden NFL 11 to this story because, it's basically the same, buy it for 10 bucks instead and save some money.

Madden NFL 11

Madden NFL 11

7 Stories

Release Date: Aug 10, 2010

Buy it! 13% - Rent it! 35% - Flush it! 52%

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