Community Marvel fans get ready for your MMO.

By dragonkiss83 — May 31, 2012
Tags: free-to-play gazillion-games marvel marvel-heroes mmo pc preview

I heard about it last year, still no release date, but we have some screens.

Last year I heard there was a Marvel MMO coming out eventually thanks to Gamasutra and got hype with almost no details.

Check this link if you want to see round 1


Here is a look at alt. costumes from the Hulk (Planet Hulk) and Spider-man.

Oh look what is that almost dead center on the screen?  Deadpool!  Kind of hard to tell with the others but at the bottom that looks a lot like Northstar or even Quiksilver.  And it could just be wishful thinking, but the guy to the far left in the line with Deadpool looks Gambit like to me.  (check the source link for the screen shot, it doesn't want to cooperate here)

And no surprise there is Spider-man.

And a Hawkeye teaser from the facebook page.

With a quick look Emma Frost (White Queen), Storm, Colossus, Black Widow, Ms. Marvel, Cyclops, Thor, Captain America, Thing, Wolverine, Iron Man, and I even saw Magneto playable in the video.

So already my hype is building back up.  And E3 is so close maybe we'll see some more. Maybe a special request to check it Goukijones?

They say they are using the Unreal 3 engine. Not exactly cutting edge, but not the worse choice out there.

We will be playing as major Marvel characters, but we will be able to customize them based on their various costumes. They are including Squirrel Girl and Cable, so they are reaching into the reseres instead of just an Avenger like line up. Randomly generated environments are not my favorite, but I can overlook that.  They'll be Savage  Land, Hell's Kitchen (guess we'll see Daredevil), Midtown Manhattan, the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning  and Mutant Town.  

Brian Michael Bendis is officailly on as the writer. So that is comforting, they could have tried to put any clown in the driver seat.  

And with Gazillion Entertainment behind it they have the experience of Diablo and Diablo 2 behind them.  Not feeling as half-assed as I feared in the beginning. 

And here is there official page

Let's not forget the reveal trailer.

My source this time around was

So there you have it.  Vote, Share, Comment, and don't be a jimmy!



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