Most HDMI cables are a rip off

By BatRastered — November 26, 2010
Tags: accessories deals-jimmy hd wildrant

Don't spend $40 on a cord when $7 will do the same thing!

A quick note to all the readers out there; HDMI cables are cheap. I bought a 25 footer for my projector set up and only spent about $15. Big retail outlets will try to sell you a 6 foot cable for $40 because it has the name "monster" printed on it. They will try to tell you it's "high speed". This is all bullshit. Here's a 6.5 foot  HDMI cable that does everything you need for $7. I guarantee it works, don't waste your money on cords!

Don't forget, most consoles only come with the basic standard definition cables... buy an HDMI with you system for the best possible picture! Don't be a Jimmy!


So I don't need to by the branded shit? Don't Microsoft and Sony make a better cable? Oh wait, it's the same shit on the inside. Heard. Thanks for the heads up Jimmy!

Nov 26, 2010 by goukijones

de bad shot

ya monster cables are bullshit, BUT they have life time warranty

Nov 26, 2010 by de bad shot


Yeah I usually by the no name ones. I just bought 4 10ft cables for under 20 bucks 3 weeks ago.

@ Bad Shot

A Lifetime warranty doesn't do you any good when you can buy 8 no name ones for the price of one monster cable. There is no need for it.

Nov 26, 2010 by Cinderkin


Life time warranty? What are you doing to your cords that they wear out? Are you jumping rope with them?

Nov 26, 2010 by BatRastered


Here's a real cable for you:
start saving up!

Nov 27, 2010 by BatRastered


Agreed. I bought a $7 hdmi at Frys and works perfect. The idea about retail is that they make upwards of 50%-500% on the mark up. Makes so much sense?

Dec 6, 2010 by InfestedOreo


this is the truth about hdmi cables and yet people fall for the higher price scams.

Dec 7, 2010 by shenwoopunch


dont really care that much for high defenition

Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012


People will also try to tell you there is a slight difference

May 8, 2011 by Phresh

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