Community My first take on the Duke Nukem Forever Demo
By DragonKiss83 —
June 3, 2011
I got the code to download the demo this morning and thought I'ld make a video for those of you who missed out.
The game that took 12 years is about to be here, but if you were a First Access member you should get a code for the demo today. So check your email. If you didn't get the demo don't worry I have some low quality video of it.
The first video covers the intro and a fight with a big fucking alien. It goes up to the start of the second part of the demo so you'll see some driving also.
The second video picks up just after you jump the canyon with your monster truck and get put back on foot. This will lead up to a fight where you have to throw explosives at a spaceship until it explodes. So far I just keep dying.
If I get past that I'll add a part 3 later. Until then here are my thoughts on the demo.
First off the game is made be Gearbox (the people who made Borderlands) so they know how to make a fun FPS. And I have the demo on PS3, but it should be about the same on the 360. Once the game starts you get a couple laughs and a fight. The controls here are pretty typical for any FPS. After you take down that first big alien you find out that Duke was playing a game. And he is using a Xbox 360 control. So that was funny to me, and made me wonder if he'll be playing on the PS3 control for the Xbox version. After the cut scene you get to drive Duke's monster truck. It handles like crap, but you get to run over some aliens and jump a canyon. Then you are back on foot. The pig face aliens seem to be rendered pretty nicely here. The graphics might not be cutting edge, but they aren't to bad. I was surprised not to here to much talk from Duke, but what he says does change as you play. And some if it is funny, but just some of it. Overall it is pretty much what you would expect from Duke Nukem had it not taken 12 years to make.
So now to pass judgment on the game. If you are new to the series or looking for a great FPS I'm going to say rent it first. But if you have been waiting for this game go right ahead and buy it, you'll get the game you have been waiting for.
Well thanks to it taking forever to upload to YouTube I was able to finish the demo. There was a RPG hidden in the little shack next to the mini gun, and that got me through the fight. You head down into the mine and get to fight a little more and ride in the rail cars Indian Jones style. After some more shooting you find some gas and make your way back to the monster truck and after you gas it up the demo ends. So you get to try out the handgun, shotgun, devastator, shrink ray, rpg, ripper, rail gun, pipe bombs, and some explosives. Not a bad selection for a demo.
And here are the last two videos. #3 is going through the mines and #4 is getting out then getting to see a censored version of the trailer they already released. It might have all fit in one video had a not got lost a couple times and realized that there was a little plat forming to be done.
So that is the entire demo. What did you think? Besides that I need to practice before making a video and that I need to download some video editing software.
Release Date:
Jun 14, 2011