Community Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise DLC preview

By dragonkiss83 — September 28, 2012
Tags: dlc naughty-bear-2 video

With the last game there were some special costumes and weapons, of course they are doing it again.

I know that very few of you are looking forward to this, but it's twisted enough to be fun for me.  Incase you missed the first one (and the video above) Naughty is a bear who is encouraged to kill by the announcer.  And changing costumes adds little boosts as you play.  This DLC is going to give you horror icons like Leatherface, Pennywise, and Ghost face.  They also get their signature weapons.  Not sure what these will run yet though.  And from the sounds of it they are planning a lot of DLC.

Naughty Bear

Naughty Bear

7 Stories

Release Date: Jun 29, 2010

Buy it! 19% - Rent it! 48% - Flush it! 33%

Oh man, 1 of BatRastered's all time favorites.

goukijones rated Naughty Bear Rent it
Sep 28, 2012 by goukijones


It's guilty pleasure fun. I'll be picking it up for sure!

derkasan has not rated Naughty Bear yet.
Sep 28, 2012 by derkasan

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