Nintendo Direct: What's coming to the Wii-U?

By BatRastered — January 23, 2013
Tags: nintendo video

Nintendo puts out a 30-plus minute mini press conference on youtube. Some new information is revealed.

Miiverse -- 00:56
Wii U Updates including Virtual Console -- 07:40
Spring and Summer Games -- 18:30
The Wonderful 101 -- 18:53
Bayonetta 2 -- 20:27
New Super Smash Bros. -- 23:31
New Titles From Nintendo -- 24:11
Yarn Yoshi -- 26:56
Shin-Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem -- 27:53
The Legend of Zelda -- 29:21
Monolith Soft -- 34:01

Some highlights... We're still awaiting a release date on the  Wonderful 101. A new Smash Bros and a new Mario Kart, both playable at E3 2013. Yarn Yoshi, from the makers of Kirby's Epic Yarn, and two Zelda projects, first an HD remake of the Wind Waker releasing later this year, followed up by an all new adventure sometime later. The Monolith Soft RPG shown at the end looked pretty crazy too!

Wii U

Wii U console system

18 Stories

Release Date: Nov 18, 2012

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