Official Batman: Arkham Knight - Ace Chemicals Infiltration Trailer: Part 1

By BatRastered — November 24, 2014
Tags: batman next-gen rocksteady-studios video wb-games

The first of 3 new gameplay videos, now with actual gameplay.

So this is what Rocksteady's been doing for the last 3 years? Looks pretty amazing. Coming in June 2015!

From the youtube description:

ACE Chemicals Part 1: Infiltration the first of three new gameplay videos from Batman™: Arkham Knight. All feature Batman learning about his new foe--- the Arkham Knight---as he enters ACE Chemicals. The video highlights new game features including the new “Fear Takedown” maneuver, as well as the seamless integration of the Batmobile into gameplay and Combat Mode.

Watch as Batman takes on Arkham Knight’s henchmen to rescue the remaining ACE Chemicals plant workers and stop Arkham Knight from executing The Scarecrow’s plans.

Head to on Dec 1 at 9am EST to see the next installment of this trilogy first.

Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman Arkham Knight Gouki Box Art

7 Stories

Release Date: Jun 23, 2015

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