PAX 2012 hands on with Aliens: Colonial Marines Escape Mode multiplayer

By BatRastered — September 1, 2012
Tags: aliens-colonial-marines gearbox-software pax-2012 preview sega

Team Gouki faced off against Team Gearbox in Aliens: Colonial Marines' Escape Mode multiplayer.

Team Gouki sat down to play some 4v4 against some Gearbox employees. We sat down and put on the headphones, when I noticed there was no voice chat working (it was running on PC) so GoukiJones and I took the headphones off one ear to hear each other. FnJimmy left his on, and that was a mistake that cost us early. GoukiJones then inverts his look controls and we're rolling on to the first objective... opening some elevator doors. GoukiJones got sniped and killed by a Xeno hanging from the ceiling, The other guy on the team (there was only three of us, so we had a pick-up Jimmy) got killed too. FnJimmy was no where near the objective, so I ran to it and managed to open the door before getting railed. I should note, that you don't respawn in this mode until an objective is met, so it was pretty close to game over man right there.

Next we had to all be inside the door for it to shut, but FnJimmy was not there... and because he head the headphones on tight, he couldn't hear us yelling at him to get in the FN circle! Luckilly he finally got to it and we rode the elevator up... meanwhile watching the Gearbox controlled Xenos scale the fence to beat us to the top! Cheating! Seriously though, the Gearbox team knew where they were going and where WE were going and had all the good sniping and ambush points locked down, and murdered us pretty quickly once we were in the next area, but we still had fun.

We still weren't allowed to play as the Xenos, and according to our contact at Sega, that's because the marines control just like traditional FPS whereas the Xenos are thrid person and have some different controlls and without any time to get used to it or learn what you can do, they didn't think the demo would play as well. That's cool, I'll definitely play them on February 12 when the game ships!

What's your hype level for this game?

Aliens: Colonial Marines

Alien  Colonial Marines Gouki Box Art

11 Stories

Release Date: Feb 12, 2013

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