Community PonyCraft: Tainted Skies an RTS Involving Ponies and other StarCraft/WarCraft ideas.

By Daisymare — October 13, 2012
Tags: my-little-pony ponycraft rts starcraft-2 tainted-skies video

This is a series of development videos for an upcoming game starting at the earliest stages of development. Many aspects of the game may and will change as the code is written but so far it looks pretty cool for another pony fan game.

I just wonder how many of these will be made before Hasbro starts buying up these developers and actually puts them on real big buget projects. Most of the games being made based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are turning out to be way better than most indie games based on souly original ideas. 

While I like many of these games It would be nice to see a completely new type of game utalizing the characters from the show in a way that fits the source material.


Oh I don't know about this 1 Jimmy. This may be crossing the line.

Oct 13, 2012 by goukijones


Why? Because of the early graphics or the uncertainty of the story and game play?

Oct 13, 2012 by Daisymare


This is an odd mix. The others I could kind of understand, but all I can say is wtf.

Oct 15, 2012 by dragonkiss83


if they decide to follow the 2 part episode story lines than this game will work well. The major villain episodes have monsters and demons that rival anything you'll see in WarCraft so a rts rpg would actually work well especially with the variety of hero characters and side characters to choose from.

Oct 15, 2012 by Daisymare

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