Pre-order and...

By reipuerto — February 24, 2010
Tags: ea ebgames gamestop pre-order

Let’s buy a game! Wait.. You can’t do what!?!?

What’s up guys? Rei, Number 7 in the World, here with something in mind.

Do you pre-order games? Yea? Where at and why?

The thing is, if you pre-order it from GAMESTOP, you get something special. In this case, Battlefield Bad Company 2 Squad pack. Why would EA’s marketing team make a choice of isolating the other dealers with this game? More importantly, the people who buy games via this site! What’s the point of buying a game and having to wait a whopping 30 DAYS for the CONTENT ALREADY onthe disk!? This, to me, does NOT make sense what so ever!! The same strategy was implemented in Army of Two: 40th day (Also from EA.) Reserved this game and you would’ve gotten the equivalence of Halo ODST'S and Gears 2, Fire Fight mode and Hoarde mode respectively. But those where already on the disk!! 

Why isolate the GAMERS from buying your game and not get the full benefit from it?! It’s like having a girlfriend but you can’t touch her until the following year, because she’s doesn’t have red hair. Does this make sense to you?

So tell me, what do you think about this?

Crimson Relic

There is good and bad within the world of pre-orders and DLC. I try my best to stick with the good. Blocking out a game mode in a game you're trying to sell to anyone who doesn't pre-order it from Gamestop seems to be a pretty bone-headed move though.

Feb 24, 2010 by Crimson Relic


I've been saying for a long time DLC is bullshit and it's over priced. Resident Evil had an online mode you had to pay extra for. Why not just delay the game another month and put it on the disk? Mass Effect 2 has some weird shit with the Cerberus Network stuff, Another EA title. A person tried to explain to me that it is to curb pirating games and stuff. Ok, fine. It's just not like it was when I was a kid and we can all trade games. Now if you borrow my Mass Effect 2 from me, you gotta pay $15 just for the FREE DLC. Scandalous.

Feb 24, 2010 by goukijones

de bad shot

its a money milker, simple as that, why should we pay 2 bucks for a fucking background, yet people still pay and they make money. to make it worse some game developers are denied the right to do free dlc, valve had to fight their asses off to get Left 4 Dead DLC to be free.

Feb 25, 2010 by de bad shot

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