Community PS3 Outsells 360, Wii

By jalexbrown — October 20, 2009
Tags: NPD PS3 Wii xbox-360

The PS3 outsold the Wii and the Xbox 360 in September, says NPD.

Yep, it's official.  Gaming news is dead.  This is my second article in two weeks referencing NPD numbers, proving only one thing: sales do matter these days.  While sales figures don't tend to make for interesting news, we - the gamers - have been deduced to number crunches ourselves, primarily concerned with which system is moving more units.  That's right folks; we're deglorified accounts in masquarade.

Anyways, the NPD numbers for September showed almost a literal flatline in terms of growth.  We're talking an increase of only $10 million in sales from last year, a small growth by any and all accounts.  Deglorified accounting at its best, for sure.

The most staggering fact involving this menial growth lies in the fact that the PS3 has officially outsold the Wii and the Xbox 360 in September; in fact the PS3 sold more units in September 2009 than it has since its launch month.  Most of this growth is to be attributed to the release of the new 120GB Slim model launched at the reasonable $299 price point, priced to compete with Microsoft's Xbox 360 Elite, also retailing at $299.  So does this mean that Sony finally hit the sweet spot?  Well it certainly means Sony found a price where it competes with the Xbox 360, its biggest and only competitor amongst the core gaming market (sorry Wii fanboys; it's true).  Does this mean that Sony has officially found a price point where it can even compete with the Wii, which was still priced at $250 during the month of September?  Well, the verdict is still out; we'll have to wait for the October figures, which will factor in the Wii's dramatic $50 price slash, before we can say for sure.  Being a $299 Blu-Ray player/console-in-one certainly does make it a value this generation if there is one to be found.

The Wii, however - even in the month of September at the $250 price point - was only 29,000 units shy of the PS3, rendering it 100% possible that the $50 price reduction will allow Nintendo to make up those 29,000 units in October, assuming Sony doesn't gain even more momentum in the following months leading up to the holiday season.

So there you have it.  We at Gouki are glad to be deglorified accountants, even if it does mean running around masquarading as gaming reporters.

(On a totally personal note, I would like to inform the fine readers of Gouki that I personally obtained my PS3 Slim 120GB model Saturday, October 17th.  I'm enjoying it loads, and I'd suggest anyone interested in the PS3 check it out at this more-than-reasonable $299 price point.)


Sweet, I just picked up a PS3 this week too. Had to get that Uncharted 2, jimmy!

Oct 24, 2009 by BatRastered


PS3 doesn't get played as much as my XBOX ... OR my Wii. Nubfarm system.

Oct 19, 2010 by goukijones

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