Sega Heritage Collection Trailer Released

By cinderkin — September 3, 2012
Tags: jet-grind-radio jet-set-radio nights-into-dreams sega sonic-adventure-2 video

Sega has released a new trailer featuring the next 3 classic Dreamcast games to receive an HD upgrade. Check it out!

Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio was the US title)  is set to hit XBLA later this month, while Nights into Dreams and Sonic Adventure 2 are due in October.


It's great to see that these games are going to be put out on XBLA / PSN. I honestly can't wait to play them all whenever I get points for these games.

Sep 3, 2012 by Arthvader


Yes Arth these are some good ones here. Better than that Space Channel 5 nonsense they released before.

Sep 3, 2012 by cinderkin


They are decent choices. Nothing I'm dying to play again, but like cinderkin said there are worse games out there.

Sep 4, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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