Community Seven Moons

By Gorilla WarBear — September 20, 2010

Hi Guys, just wanted to give you first preview to a book i am currently writing, introduction to first chapter,a little long but please read, please feel free to leave comments and feedback, also questions will be answered.

Seven Moons


The Beginning of the End


Chapter One


The earth is peaceful, the clouds pass by whilst the time ticks away, the sun rises and falls in an ever decreasing circle. Snow on a high mountain top blows over one ridge and covers another, the mighty ocean waves travel for miles crashing and corroding each shore across each continent, man seems so small as he tends his garden on a summers morning, the birds singing, the air fresh to breath, a way of life for the past millennia, life evolves, species perish.


Mankind is finally conquering space, the moon is now colonised after millions spent on space travel, Mars is next as the human race pushes to inhabit the planets and moons around the solar system. Mans time on planet earth was reaching an end, like the dinosaurs before them their destruction was to come from space; it had been prophesised that a cataclysmic or transformative event would occur. Man thought an asteroid would be its annihilation, but their annihilation descended upon them in the shape of an invading species, an alien race, and their technology far more superior to mankind’s feeble effort.


A battle occurred, a great battle, a war of all wars, fought in space, on the ground and at sea, until all that once was is now gone, exterminated, eradicated, disintegrated, destroyed, mankind perished for the resources of their once tranquil planet, perished for their minerals, the dead feasted on while the oceans  drained, the earth stripped to its core. All of this to supply a powerful race in their pursuit of greed, a greed for evolution so that their kind could be turned into galactic kings.


If only mankind could have foreseen this terror, or recognized the possible threats, defensive measures implemented, if some way or some how they could have prepared themselves, or maybe they did?, The human race was aware of this threat, but in small numbers, an ancient secret manuscript told of earths demise, how an alien race would appear from the sky’s and destroy its kind, its followers knew nothing where this manuscript foretelling the future appeared from, just that it had predicated all of the major events throughout mankind’s time on earth and its words where etched on a material that was alien to anything human.


Its followers consisted of all walks of human life, Politicians, Scientists and Teachers, Engineers, Kings and Councilors, family values and beliefs passed down throughout generations, preparing their ancestors for the inevitable event, enabling people in places of various power to implement a planned escape all powered by a belief in the manuscript.


The manuscript told of the stars, even before astrology became known, it stated that a gathering of stars would be mans destination, to look beyond these stars and within a new system would be mans new home, New Earth clustered by Seven Moons, a single planet which could inhabit mankind and sustain all their elemental needs. For thousands of years man had a prophecy to follow, their fate foretold so that the selected could prepare, the human race as a survivalist began to set plans and take action, so that when the time came man would be prepared.  


A journey, mans greatest journey, Noah’s ark but through space and time, their destination New Earth as foretold, all trust in an ancient book and a journey began, as the selected travelled to their new destination Earth was destroyed and all the occupants and living life upon it, a sense of great sadness bestowed those on board, if only more could have followed, if only more believed. The manuscript instructed those who believed to collect as much as they possible could of their planet, so that New Earth could be inhabited by as many creatures as it could sustain, mammals, reptiles, fish, plants, also to recover art, books, and history, so that new earth and its new occupants may breed new life and sustain a sense of legacy. The ark itself was large enough to sustain life on board for countless days until the end of their destination, trained pilots and crew charged with a safe passage to an unfamiliar port of resurrection so that the human race and their way of life may live on.


A safe and successful journey was foreseen by the manuscript and once again it proved true, for those selected where first to witness the beauty of their New Earth and the colonisation begun, New Earth was very similar to the destroyed earth, Oceans, mountains, Ice caps, seasons of weather change to sustain  life,  the solar system which occupied new earth had similarities to the old, seven moons  clustered this new planet and each moon seemed  purposely created to provide the minerals man needed to sustain life on new earth, so that their new planet could remain untouched and its inner beauty would remain rather than be destroyed like Old Earth. Mankind was not prepared to make the same mistakes twice; each human being learned to respect and cherish their existence, there had been no wars since the attempted annihilation of mankind.


An appointment of a high council sustained order to this new planet, chosen descendants from the selected who had inhabited this planet foremost, their role was to keep order to this new existence, schools for the children, health care, communities, jobs, money and policing. A world created to live in peace with tranquillity, a caring sharing world where every being mattered and none suffered, Mankind had now discovered not to make the same mistakes twice, and their second chance would be their last.


The High Council resided in a large city called Unified; this was a busy place with a large population, each resident working in tandem to create a peaceful existence, family and friends a motivation for life instead of the need for greed and selfishness. The city’s main vocal point is a highly constructed tower which can be seen from any part of the city; other buildings of importance surround this monument to Old Earth, school, hospitals, and business offices. Within the Tower lies the manuscript and the leaders of the council, the manuscript itself has been studied and researched through time, the leaders of the high council understand its purpose and have come to learn of its true dependence and value.


Scientists had discovered that the book itself had descended from New Earth, a volunteer had agreed to travel back through time and space to start a process of deliverance, to explain what will happen in the future to their planet and to gather followers and believers, therefore creating a chain of events to a galactic war. In the manuscript it states that New Earth will be invaded by a past enemy, the same enemy that once nearly destroyed mankind, that this enemy will again threaten an existence of human life and that the people of New Earth would need to act to prevent this. The High Council and its leaders played their cards close to their chest, as not to spread panic throughout this now peaceful planet, within the manuscript it states that a new breed of warrior needs to come forth, that seven warriors transported through time from ancient earth would be their salvation, these warriors would train armies to combat this old threat, to train them in their specialised combat ways.


Mankind would be ready this time, a time to stand and fight, a time to bring about eternal peace, the time is now and if this Manuscript is once again be proved true, only time will tell.





Good start, I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to reading the next couple of chapters. I don't know how formal or informal this book is going to be but I thought I'd suggest some fixes. I think I'm correct on all of these, but please check yourself, as I could be wrong. Again, please let me know when you have the next chapters ready to read.

First paragraph, should summer show possessiveness. summer's? Should breath be breathe?

Second paragraph

forth paragraph
sky's shouldn't show ownership, skies

man's - 2 places

travelled - in the U.S. traveled is used, where as travelled is used more commonly in Britian.


caring sharing world - without putting and between caring and sharing, caring describes sharing. not sure if that's what you wanted.

specialised - check spelling

the time is now and if this Manuscript is once again be proved true, only time will tell. - consider revising. Either - the time is now and WILL this Manuscript once again be proved true, only time will tell. or - the time is now and if this Manuscript is once again TO be proved true, only time will tell.

Sep 20, 2010 by thabrad

Gorilla WarBear

Really pleased you enjoyed it and also thanks for the comments, regarding spelling mistakes although it does make me look like a jimmy lol.
Spellcheck varies over here depending on software used as you can tell with U.S AND U.K, put that aside and its the story i need feedback on, its gonna be a mix of warhammer/lord of rings, with indians, vikings, samurai warriors, highlander/conan barbarian / war of worlds meets star wars.
a lot to take in but it hopefully it will catch the imagination of the reader.

Sep 21, 2010 by Gorilla WarBear


Where you at on this Jimmy? Been waiting for an update.

Oct 13, 2010 by ThaBrad


That is very impressive. You've got mad skills.

Oct 19, 2010 by pwny


Jimmy, video game site... WTF? Good story though...

Oct 30, 2010 by BatRastered



Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012

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