Community Shadows of the Damned Dev Diary has the best dubs ever

By iorilamia — April 30, 2011
Tags: gameplay shadows-of-the-damned video

Suda51 and Shinji Mikami talk to us about the features and feel of the game in a very entertaining way.

No More Heroes' Suda51 and Resident Evil's Shinji Mikami talk to us about upcoming game Shadows of the Damned. They give insight on what Hell is in this game; being the main stage and everything bad in our everyday life. Talk a little about the characters and some of the gameplay elements. It certainly seems to be looking better and better. Best part of the entire video are the dubs used for Suda and Mikami ;D


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What do you guys think of the game so far? See any similarities with NMH and RE? I think this dark adventure-love story is pretty cool.  Leave a comment and let us know.

Shadows of the Damned

Shadows of the Damned

6 Stories

Release Date: Jun 21, 2011

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