Strider - Launch Trailer

By BatRastered — February 18, 2014
Tags: launch-trailer trailer video

Strider makes his return on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC this week as a digital download.

From the description:

Strider features the same franchise hallmarks of fluid, lightning quick side scrolling combat and free-flowing traversal through the expansive interconnected metropolis of Kazakh City. Perform breakneck acrobatic jumps and mid-air flips while slicing through Strider's varied enemy types with Hiryu's indestructible 'Cypher', a plasma charged weapon that can take on a number of properties. Alternatively, use the climb sickle to gain the high ground, and hit enemies with a surprise Kunai attack or call on support companions for some extra muscle when the going gets tough. Strider is developed by Double Helix Games, in conjunction with Capcom.

Once players have mastered the art of performing breakneck acrobatic jumps, mid-air flips and sliced their way through hundreds of enemies there's plenty more fun for the ultimate ninja hero to have. Players can put their skills to the test in Beacon Run -- a "speed run" race style mode that gives players a white-knuckled experience challenging them to hit consecutive checkpoints whilst slicing through enemies in the shortest amount of time. Survival Mode tests players' combat skills with a variety of different item and ability load outs, as waves of progressively difficult and diverse enemies converge on Strider Hiryu.



Strider Gouki Box Art

5 Stories

Release Date: Feb 18, 2014

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This game any good?

kuroukage has not rated Strider yet.
Mar 1, 2014 by kuroukage


Yeah, it's fun. Mostly because you can play a quick 15 minutes and make progress. I play it a lot when the FFXIV servers are down. ;)

BatRastered has not rated Strider yet.
Mar 3, 2014 by BatRastered

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