Community Tales of the abyss 3D trailer

By blazemanx — July 26, 2011
Tags: 3ds namco-bandai tales-of-the-abyss trailer video

a trailer showing off some exclusive features for the 3DS port of tales of the abyss.

Me being a HUGE tales fan i always want to get my hands on anything tales related. For those of you who have never played this amazing game back when it was released on the ps2 you have a chance to experience it on the 3DS. There are no major changes but there are a few made for the 3DS. If your a RPG fan and own a 3DS you should not pass this up. I don't own a 3DS but if i ever get one this will be the very first game i get even though i played through the ps2 version like 6 times lol. I hope this sells well so it will encourage namco bandi to localize more tales games. Let us know what you think and don't be a jimmy.


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