Community Tekken Tag 2 Tournament Trailer

By DragonKiss83 — February 18, 2011
Tags: fighting-game japanese tekken-tag-tournament-2 trailer video

So watching this video made me realize how little I cared that they were making this.

Thanks Shoryuken.

The video is up, and I tried to feel enthusiastic, but so far I just don't care.  Maybe it was Tekken 6 that let me down, or maybe I'm just getting jaded.  It looks like there will be lots of new stuff, and I even see character customization in there, but again I just don't really care.  Maybe as the game gets closer I'll get more interested, but I think that with all the other fighters comming out or recently released Tekken Tag Tournament 2 just isn't much of a priority.

Don't be a Jimmy!  I want to hear what you liked or hated about the last Tag, or even any of the Tekkens.  Has the game gotten stale?  Will it stand out?


I stopped liking Tekken after like...the second one. But this tag tournament 2 is looking extra dope. If its pulled off well I might get back into it? Has to be retarted fast pace for me.

Feb 18, 2011 by iorilamia


never really been a BIG tekken fan its ok to me............i'll play the games but rarely buy them i never even bought tekken 6 but street fighter vs tekken will own

Feb 18, 2011 by blazemanx


Street Fighter vs Tekken will be great from the Capcom side, but the Tekken vs Capcom just sounds like they are going to strip away what really makes the Street Fighter series.

I don't think I even kept Tekken 6 for a week. I've had them all, but I think that Tekken 3 was the best of them. But like everything else people buy the name not the actual game.

Feb 18, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Omg Jun Kazama... ;w;!

Feb 18, 2011 by MilkyPink

grey walrus

I agree with DragonKiss on the SFxT/TxSF thing, but it's because I really don't like 3D fighters in general. So saying that I'm not going to like TxSF isn't really that big of a stretch especially since they are going to pretty much ruin the SF side of the game.

Feb 18, 2011 by grey walrus


Seen some video for the Tekken VS Street Fighter, no desire to play that at all. Still holding some hope for the Street Fighter vs Tekken version though.

Mar 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


tekken is still beast in my mind

Mar 7, 2011 by kof2012


Another catalog entry to be made.

May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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