Community The weapons we will be seeing in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

By pwny — October 19, 2010
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Check out the video I found on youtube. These weapons look amazing.

Weapons in this video:

-Axe: Very deadly, and could cut through almost anything. Nice weapon to decapicate victims.

-Claw: Prosthetic arm that is fitted to the arm at the elbow. Curved blades replace the hand, which makes it look like a claw.

-Dagger: Small but quick, you could catch anyone off guard with this.

-Fan: Pretty and deadly. The fan is contructed with eight to ten metal slats that contract to expose a series of sharp blades when opened.

-Syringe: Use this to inject poison into unsuspecting victims.

-Switchblade: Very similar to the Hidden Blade, the Switchblade is a Templar device worn on the forearm that extends a blade when activated.

If you want more info on these weapons, I got it from here. Thanks for reading. :]

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

4 Stories

Release Date: Nov 16, 2010

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