Community The weapons we will be seeing in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

By pwny — October 19, 2010
Tags: preview video

Check out the video I found on youtube. These weapons look amazing.

Weapons in this video:

-Axe: Very deadly, and could cut through almost anything. Nice weapon to decapicate victims.

-Claw: Prosthetic arm that is fitted to the arm at the elbow. Curved blades replace the hand, which makes it look like a claw.

-Dagger: Small but quick, you could catch anyone off guard with this.

-Fan: Pretty and deadly. The fan is contructed with eight to ten metal slats that contract to expose a series of sharp blades when opened.

-Syringe: Use this to inject poison into unsuspecting victims.

-Switchblade: Very similar to the Hidden Blade, the Switchblade is a Templar device worn on the forearm that extends a blade when activated.

If you want more info on these weapons, I got it from here. Thanks for reading. :]

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

4 Stories

Release Date: Nov 16, 2010

Buy it! 70% - Rent it! 20% - Flush it! 10%

This looks like the best AC yet, but I didn't like the first two, so that's not saying much.

BatRastered rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Rent it
Oct 19, 2010 by BatRastered


Aha. Yeah, I can't wait when it comes out.

pwny has not rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood yet.
Oct 19, 2010 by pwny


Same here. I haven't played any of the AC games yet, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Arthvader rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Buy it
Oct 19, 2010 by Arthvader


Looks good, will check it out def.

akskiller rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Buy it
Oct 19, 2010 by akskiller


All the AC games start out fun. Its a steady downhill from there, but I am a fan. I learned Italian from AC 2. It was the only way to know what the fuck was going on half the time.

erikestrada has not rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood yet.
Oct 20, 2010 by erikestrada


I prefer syringes in my day to day weapon usage.

choke has not rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood yet.
Oct 20, 2010 by choke


Where is the Pokemon? I want to use Pikachu to assassinate my foes!
Thanks for the story! I'm getting hyped for this.

Cinderkin rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Buy it
Oct 20, 2010 by Cinderkin


Lmfao. xD

pwny has not rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood yet.
Oct 20, 2010 by pwny

de bad shot

assain creed, never liked

de bad shot rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Flush it
Oct 21, 2010 by de bad shot


assain. :x

pwny has not rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood yet.
Oct 23, 2010 by pwny


slice in the dice

kof2012 rated Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Buy it
Jan 20, 2011 by kof2012

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