Community To The Moon

By Daisymare — June 25, 2012
Tags: pc-game rpg to-the-moon video

Here is a video of a game about a dying man and his one shot at reliving his life.

I found out about this indie game by stumbling onto it's soundtrack of hauntingly beautiful music. I don't know about the rest of you but this game trailer brought tears to my eyes. The level of emotional draw you get simply from the music is enough to stir your dreams of a life better lived. Then you add the story and the classic RPG visuals that many of us grew up with and wow... This is an indie game that I'd to play. I hope some one has.


Looks like they spent a lot of time making this trailer and music... Didn't see any gameplay!

Jun 25, 2012 by BatRastered


just by looking at this trailer, it looked very interesting to me. can't wait to see about picking this indie title up.

Jun 25, 2012 by Arthvader


On their website says you can play the game for an hour for free. Not sure how it works since it's PC only and I have a Mac but if you guys want to play it for free and report back on whether or not it's a good game that would be awesome.

Jun 25, 2012 by Daisymare


Looks like they built up a story, but not sure how much fun it would be just from a gameplay side.

Jun 29, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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