Toy Soldiers: Cold War E3 2011 hands on demo

By BatRastered — June 30, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 preview summer-of-arcade video

FnJimmy goes hands on with the new Toy Soldiers game at the Microsoft booth E3 2011

Toy Soldiers: Cold War is an action strategy game that occasionaly has you jumping in to first person mode to aid your units. FnJimmy got some hands on time with the developers from Signal Studios. There are co-op and compettive multiplayer modes and, of course leaderboards to rail.

Here's FnJimmy's official take:

Toy Soldiers: Cold War will be released exclusively on XBOX Live Arcade August 17, 2011 for 1200 MSP.

Toy Soldiers: Cold War

Toy Soldiers Cold War box art

1 Stories

Release Date: Aug 17, 2011

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