Community Update: PonyKart Video

By Daisymare — March 5, 2012
Tags: my-little-pony ponykart video

This is just a mini update related to a previous PonyKart video in which the spectators were shown.

Apparently when the programmers and character artists were putting together the sitting ponies Lyra was not seated in her "normal" human posture. This generated a lot of angry comments and freakouts because after all Lyra truly believes she is human. So they went in and redid her character so she now sits properly on her flank and they also made a little joke video to give the finger to the haters.

I approve of this video.


Technical Information:

This a fanmade game for Windows.

Runs on most PC configurations

Developer website is

Programmer listing is here


I still haven't seen anything legit for this game. Will it be at GDC this week? Can you post a source next time, I'd like to read more about this company.

Mar 5, 2012 by goukijones


Unlike Mane6 the developers of this game are not forming a formal company yet. This is their first project and thus are not yet a solid team. I'll let you know if I find any other information on fan developers that form up for other projects.

Mar 5, 2012 by Aragrist


WTF did I just watch?

Mar 6, 2012 by BatRastered


It's sad to say that this fan made game looks better than some of the crap they dump on PSN and XBL (can't say much about the Wii store because I've only used it like twice) but that said it's just not for me.

Mar 14, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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