Community Voltron Defender of the Universe Trailer

By grey walrus — July 18, 2011
Tags: playstation-3 psn thq video voltron xbla xbox-360

It's been a long while since Cinderkin fist posted on here that there would be a Voltron game, but now there's a trailer for it.

Voltron is a classic anime, and one that I loved as a kid. I still love it today. I haven't had a chance to see much of the new one  on nickleodeon, but I what I did see doesn't hold up to the original. Luckily this game seems to follow the classic series rather than the new one. 



I for one can't wait. I love voltron, and this looks like a decent space/ground scrolling shooter with some combat thrown in. The combat will most likely be terrible, but I don't even care. With thrown in cutscenes straight from the classic anime, the only other thing I can hope for is the original narrator. I'm hyped for this game. We can all look forward to it this october on both XBLA and PSN. 


WTF ... lol. I'll play it.

Jul 18, 2011 by goukijones


doesn't look very enticing but i'll be sure to give the trial a try

Jul 18, 2011 by blazemanx


Some of it looks terrible, but I'll have to try it. And with the Thundercats about to see daylight again hopefully we'll get a decent game out of it. Gotta love all the old school shit getting another chance.

Jul 18, 2011 by dragonkiss83


I've been a huge fan of the Voltron series for a long time now. I do hope that this game could deliver the good stuff to the fans.

Jul 19, 2011 by Arthvader


voltron vs transformers epic huh huh nice

Jul 20, 2011 by kof2012


oooooooooooo shit? not sure f this would be good...

Jul 21, 2011 by iorilamia

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